Thursday, May 7, 2009

Long time

Val is better at this than I am. I've been bust with being a ward mission leader. We're getting ready for the temple open house. I'm going to be an usher there this month. Shawn's about to wrap up rugby this week. A.J. is going to be having tryouts next week. His team is kicking butt against every team they play. In a couple of weeks they play the only other team that's undefeated.

We're going to be transferring Kelly to a different middle school. Hopefully they will be able to help her with her schooling. We're doing everything we can. I think a different change of scenery will be good for her. A.J. and Rylie are off track. This year they will be going to a new school just up the street from out house. Peyton is in her terrible 3's. Jordyn is crawling all over the place and pulling herself up on the furniture and walking around. Val is still working at Quizno's and making cards in her spair time. The Macey's job isn't working out. So I maybe finding another part-time job if they can't get there scheduling right.

1 comment:

Marla Valdez said...

Hey! I hope all is well! It's been so nice talking to you! I hope Kelly does better with her new school... You're a great dad to those kids! When did you start working at Maceys?