Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas is over

I am so glad that Christmas is over. I am tired of all the opening of presents and missed sleep. The kids had fun. They woke up at 8:00. Val's family came over, yea that was fun. I'm ready for a new year to start to end this crappy 2007 year I have had


TheKeilShpeel said...

Turn that frown upside and and smile that frown away. What an uplifting post. I'm sorry life is so crappy for you. Hope this next year is better.

TheKeilShpeel said...

Maybe you should count all your blessings again. You have a beautiful wife and wonderful children. You have your own home. You have a job. A loving family, food to eat. No health problems. You are a very lucky guy. Of course we all have our problems our ups and downs but we really are lucky.