Monday, February 25, 2008

Barn Burner

We had a pretty good weekend. On Friday we went up to Park City because it's always nice to get out of Riverton. I got a pair of basketball shoes since my other pair had lost it's grip. They were on $30. Emma and Peyton also got a pair. After that we went to McDonalds for lunch. Went to Costco to get some diapers and some other things.
Saturday we kind of lounged around the house. A.J. had his first Indoor practice/scrimmage. He scored a goal. Then we hurried over to Shawn's basketball game so I could coach that. We went into over time and won. Probably one of the best games the boys played. On Sunday the Elders quorum president singled me out about home teaching. Asking me how many families I home teach, if I had a full-time job. Just to try to make it appoint that with all the things I have going on in my life I can still find time to get my home teaching done. Made me feel good.

1 comment:

Kelie said...

Congrats on another baby! and a girl so exciting, keep us updated with that and Val's due date! take care!