Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Last week Rylie and Peyton were sick. Rylie was sick for about a week. Then Last Saturday I started feeling sick. Val was sick. I didn't go to work Monday or Tuesday because the porcelain thrown was the only place I was visiting. Shawn is now sick with it, it started yesterday at school for him. But I am back at work today. This guy that I have been training is still not getting the job. Steve and Will have been at there ends wit with him. Steve told me one day that I was out that he told Will just to send the guy home because that guy was just setting him off and not getting how to do his job. Val told me this morning that she is the cashier of the month again and got a $50 gift card to Walmart, GO VAL GO!!!!! She also go a quarterly bonus, man I can't remember when I got one of those.

1 comment:

Kelie said...

I hope you all feel better soon! That is never fun...especially when the whole family gets it!
p.s. way to go Val!