Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas is over

I am so glad that Christmas is over. I am tired of all the opening of presents and missed sleep. The kids had fun. They woke up at 8:00. Val's family came over, yea that was fun. I'm ready for a new year to start to end this crappy 2007 year I have had

Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve

We were supposed to have a friend of ours come over for dinner last night but she didn't call or show up so we were kind of mad about that. We had gone to Costco and got a spiral sliced ham and potato's and stuff. So We are going to have a lot of left overs. Than we went to Susan's next. It was fun. There was some good things there. A lot of movies. Rylie had the last pick last night so she grabbed this fire engine M&M thing. We are going over to dad and Shauna's tonight. Were not going to go over to Grandma Tapp's tomorrow. We might go over to Grandma and Grandpa Doyle's instead for breakfast. On a sad note, Val's mom called her a couple of days ago and her dad has prostrate cancer. That's two people in our family with that. I will be happy when tomorrow's over. I am at work today which stinks because I have 7 loads to put away. Well anyways everyone have a Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Christmas is a comin

Man it's been awhile since I wrote last. We have been trying to get all of the last minute shopping done. I just sent off Ben and Heathers Christmas present today. Hopefully it will be there by the 24th. I have been fighting off a a sinus infection and a little bit of a cold. All of the kids have been sick at one time or other especially Peyton. Val has been losing sleep because Peyton will wake up in the middle of the night and go out in the living room. I don't even here Peyton. I have been playing indoor soccer the last couple of months. We haven't won a game yet but it's been fun. I might try to get on another team in January. Shawn has been practicing with his basketball team. They don't look to bad. I think his first game is in January. I think the only thing left for Christmas is to get Val her gift. I haven't had time to go get it.

Monday, December 3, 2007

My Birthday

Well today is my 31st birthday. My Dad, Mom, Shauna, Julia, Bryce and Grandma and Grandpa Doyle came over last night for dinner. We had Taco Soup. My cake was a Oreo Ice cream cake and it was so good.

I was scratching Val's back last nigh and I showed Peyton this mole and Val's back and Peyton's walked up to it and touched it and said, "Mommy, that's disgusting." It was hilarious. I start coaching Shawn in his Jr. Jazz stuff this week. It's at the same time as our ward Christmas party, so I will miss some of that. We were supposed to play football on Saturday but it snowed pretty good and a lot of people didn't show up. Marshall Stanclift was going to come but he decided it was to cold to play football.

They just added 2 more wards to our stake which is scary because that leaves me with trying to organize games for 12 wards for both the men and young men. I was talking to my dad about it and he told me that I need to let them know that I either need more assistants our they need to assign someone else to handle the young men

Monday, November 26, 2007

Birthday and Thanksgiving

Peyton had a really good second birthday. She got a lot of clothes. Her favorite thing was the Magna Doodle she got. She only wanted to play with it and nothing else. Thanksgiving was good except for not playing football. I showed up for our ward turkey bowl and there were just to many people there so I went home. Marshall and Ryan told me we were going to have a turkey bowl and promised that they would call me and tell me but of course I never got a call. I was really good to see Ben, Heather and Kyle. Heather took us up in the canyon to take our family picture. It was pretty cold up there, about 25 degrees. Val was sad that Heather left. She called her and she cried. Val and her have a sisterly bond which is great.

Saturday, November 17, 2007


I am at work right now helping Will with putting this grip tape stuff on the locations so the bins don't move in there locations. I will be here till about 11:00 this morning. Than I will take Val to work and than go play football with my buddies from work. Marshall and Ryan said they were going to come play but they haven't called me back after leaving 3 messages. We will be celebrating Peyton's 2nd birthday tomorrow. Our little baby id growing up so fast. I am looking forward to next week because I get to have a 4 day weekend.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The kids had fun trick or treating lst week. Everyone loved Peyton's Care Bear costume. A.J. was a ninja and Rylie was a princess fairy. We had our football banquet last Saturday at Rock Creek pizza. It was alright but seemed a little pricey to me. They played the football highlight video there also. I didn't see much of it because the boys were standing in front of me. I know that Shawn was savoring that day with his buddies because most of them will still be in Junior high next year and he will be in High school. I got a new guy working with me. His name is Mike Tucker. Ben knows who he is. He used to work here before a went on his mission. He is working out pretty good back here with me. Better that that last guy. Peyton's birthday is going to be coming up here pretty soon in a couple of weeks which will be crazy to think that she will be 2.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Rob Adams

I remember that day when I found out that you had been in an accident. I was talking to Marshall and he told me you had been in an accident. I felt like I had been that last person told. I think I went up to the hospital that day with Val. I remember walking into the room and seeing your mom and than laying my eyes on you and seeing you all hooked up to machines and everything. Your mom told me to try and be strong but it was hard to see one of my best friends down. I visited you at least once a week at the hospital. Once you were out of the hospital I feel like I turned into a crappy friend. I was probably visiting you every three months or so. After your accident I reflected a lot on my abilities to be able to go run or play football and realized how much I take it for granted. Even Last month when I came to visit you after our football game in Park City. As I was leaving I spoke with your dad and told him how I felt about being a crappy friend to you. Of course I was a little emotional, you know me. Your accident that day has made me reflect on my life and how I took so for granted. Happy Belated Birth day

Monday, October 22, 2007


Shawn's team finally won a game. It was against Toole. The weather was really bad. We were lucky because there was a couple of parents that had these heater things on the side lines so our kids were able to stay warm. We could of scored a lot more but we didn't think it would be right to run up the score on them. On my way home Val called be and told me that a gut in the ward had an extra ticket to the BYU VS. Eastern Washington game and wanted me to go. It was a good game but it was even colder there at the game. It started out to be pretty good weather and then the clouds rolled in and it started coming down really good. When we left the game I probably had at least an inch of snow on my or more. I said hi to Brandon Doman at the game. He said hi back. It looked as though he had his game face on and really didn't want to talk to much. The kids have been taking turns having a cold. Peyton was up all last night coughing and talking in her sleep. Mike Tucker started working with me Today. He's a lot better that having that other guy over here.


Monday, October 15, 2007

We had a good weekend. Shawn's team played the second Alta team and almost beat them. A.J. finally played a game and his team won 5-1 which included a goal from him. Val's stomach was bothering her for 3 days and wouldn't go tot he doctor. She had spoken with one of her friends and she said it could be her Gal Bladder but I guess she's ok now. Val found a job working with people that are Autistic and who are Downsyndrome. She started that yesterday. Peyton is starting to get more teeth, that's why she probably had been a little beast. Shawn washed his Ipod in the washer. Where just waiting to see him it's going to work or not. His dad didn't buy a warranty on it.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

General Conference was really good. For the most part the kids payed attention. Val is supposed to have an interview at the Smith's by our house. Last Saturday we went to Park City for one of Shawn's games. It was pretty cold but there wasn't a lot of snow. There really hasn't been much going on.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Dropped another one

Well today we dropped another game to one of the crappiest teams that is in our region. It started out raining during warm-ups than it started snowing. The kids let the weather take them out of the game. We lost 19-0. Shawn came out of the game once. I'm pretty much getting feed up with Shawn's coach. Is is so negative with the kids during the games. He do nothing but bring the kids down. Val had an interview with Peterson's but hasn't had any calls since. I got a call from Ogio for a night shift but the guy and myself have been playing phone tag to get a hold of each other. So I'm stress in about being able to pay the bills next week.
I am working with this guy that is twice my age and hasn't been able to catch on to the job. My boss will is ready to send this guy packing. I have crossed trained some people at my work with my job and they were like that is it. I don't know why this guy can't do this. A.J's games have been getting rained out. He has had practice during the week but his games keep getting rained out.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Alls Well

Everyone in our family is over the flu bug. A.J. and Kelly got lucky and didn't get the bug. Shawn's football team is 0-4. Every week his coach has changed what they are going to run and what not. It's been really frustrating for me but what do you do. Last Thursday when Val went to work she got called into an office and was told that herself and 2 other people were under investigation for supposedly taking a customers gift card. Well Val went back to work that Saturday and the decided to let her go plus the 2 other cashiers. They had know proof so they just let her go. She was pretty upset but she went back out on Monday and applied for some other jobs.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Last week Rylie and Peyton were sick. Rylie was sick for about a week. Then Last Saturday I started feeling sick. Val was sick. I didn't go to work Monday or Tuesday because the porcelain thrown was the only place I was visiting. Shawn is now sick with it, it started yesterday at school for him. But I am back at work today. This guy that I have been training is still not getting the job. Steve and Will have been at there ends wit with him. Steve told me one day that I was out that he told Will just to send the guy home because that guy was just setting him off and not getting how to do his job. Val told me this morning that she is the cashier of the month again and got a $50 gift card to Walmart, GO VAL GO!!!!! She also go a quarterly bonus, man I can't remember when I got one of those.

Monday, September 10, 2007

We lost another football game last week to Bingham. We played a lot better this game. We are playing East this week. Myself and the head coach went and scouted the team. They look very beatable. Rylie and Peyton have been suffering from the flu. Rylie has had it the worst though. So far none of the rest of the family has been affected by it. I started training a brand new guy at work. So far he is till stuck on filling out the work order and scanning the container. It's been kind of frustrating. I started looking for a new job a couple of weeks ago but haven't found anything yet. I found a couple jobs but they wouldn't be paying me what I make right now so I just keep on looking.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Shawn had his first game last week. We did ok. We turned the ball over 4 times on interceptions. I kept telling the coach to keep the ball on the ground but he felt he should keep throwing the ball. We lost 13 to 18. We have Bingham this week. The kids have been messing around at practice so I feel that the kids are going to get there buts kicked if they don't get things together. One of the kids was giving me attitude yesterday. The coach didn't do anything about it. I felt as though I don't exist in the coaches eyes. There is no discipline on this team. So I see this team losing almost every game unless they get there act together. Kelly seems to be liking school. She has a thing that she has to fill out every day and we have to see her work and sign it. A.J. is off track. He goes over to his buddies house everyday. Rylie started her Pre-school this week and seems to be liking it. Val is baby sitting 2 baby's now.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Are you ready for some Football!!

Tomorrow marks Shawn's first football game. I know he is excited but a little nervous as am I. We are playing one of our own teams again this year which I don't understand. Kelly had her birthday party yesterday. I was at Shawn's practice but Val said it went pretty good. She told me that Kelly was a little hyper. She kept saying it was her birthday over and over again. Dad, Shauna, mom and Grandma and Grandpa Doyle came over. If I missed anyone I'm sorry. A.J. lost another tooth yesterday. I guess he was eating an Ego waffle and bit down and it came out. He called me at work to tell me, he was so funny on the phone.

Saturday, August 25, 2007


Val and I last week went to France A. Davis the II wedding. When we got there we waited for Marshall and Bree. They got there a little before the ceremony started. Frances dad conducted. France was doing pretty good keeping it together until is soon to be wife came down the isle than he lost it. She is so pretty. It was nice to see France's family after so long. Both his parents remembered who I was and gave me a big hug. his sister Grace was pretty standoffish but that's Grace for you. Than I said hi to his sister Carolyn. She was like there's my little Gabe.

We have had a pretty crazy week this week. A.J's soccer coaches keep changing there days and where they practice which got my blood going. Shawn had 3 scrimmages this week and he scored a touchdown in each of the scrimmages. They also won each scrimmage also. We will be celebrating Kelly's Birthday next week. I'm just not sure which day hopefully Friday with Shawn having practice everyday this week except Friday and Saturday. We will have to see. Kelly also started her first week of school and now A.J. is off track. Shawn Starts school this week, he will be in 9th grade. Peyton his doing good. She picked up the phone yesterday when I called home and the same time as A.J. did and just started jabbering away. Rylie lost one of her caps off her tooth yesterday so she has a messed up tooth right now but hopefully we can get he into the dentist on Monday. Well I have to go, we have A.J's soccer game to go to @ 3:00 today

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Shawn made it though tryouts and is on a pretty good team. He seems to be having a lot of fun. I was asked to help coach his team which is cool. I just hate being at work from six to five and then be at practice from six to nine. Shauna came over yesterday to help val organize the house a little. Shauna is good at things like that. A.J's allergies got so bad that they made his eyes swell up so he couldn't see out of one eye and the other was half shut. he had a good practice. He starts having games next Friday. Kelly starts school next week, yesss! She is excited to go back to school. On Saturday Val and I will be going to a long time friend France Davises wedding. I never thought that guy would get married. I might have to go buy a new shirt and tie so I look nice.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Football's Here

Shawn got his phone call on Friday night at about 12:00 or so. His coach just called and left a message. I guess there was a lot of stuf going down during the draft for football. I'm glad I wasn't involved in that this year. I will probably just be an assistant. Shawn's football coach his a pretty good guy. Val told me last night that I guess she was the cashier of the month at Homedepot. So I guess she gets a plaque and a gift card and stuff, go Val. I went to the dentist today and had a cleaning. I had 2 small cavaties that you can barely see.

Monday, August 6, 2007


During the week A.J. had his soccer practice. He is still loving 1st grade. Val told him the other day that he will be going off track soon and he got a little mad and said he doesn't want to go off track. In the last couple of weeks Peyton has been really attached to Val. She can't go anywhere with out Peyton being right behind her. It's like she thinks Val in going to leave her and not she her again. Shawn started football on Saturday. He seemed to be in a lot better shape this year, not as winded at the end of practice. I might be an assistant. It just depends on what coach picks Shawn. We had some flooding in our neighborhood. Luckily it didn't effect our house but the people from our old ward it effected a lot. One member lost there basement because the water broke in through window well. Friday I was bailing water out of window wells, it was pretty crazy.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Un eventful week

Two days ago I was mowing the lawn and twisted my ankle. Shawn was on the porch and saw me go down and thought that I had ran my foot over with the lawn mower. I have such bad ankles. I played ball last night which is always fun. Val went to the doctor yesterday because she thought she had pink eye and she did. She also found out that she had lost a couple more pounds. Sooner than later we will have to buy her new clothes because her clothes are falling off of her. She also found out that if she keeps up her eating healthy that she will eventually be off of her diabetic pill, ya!! Shawn ended up earning all of his money for football. Now he just has $30 left to pay us back for his football gloves. He is realizing what it takes to earn the money and be able to get the things he wants. Hopefully he will take car of the things that he works for. Kelly spent a week and a half at her Aunt Lauren's house. She said she had fun. She's been a real help since she came back. Sometimes it's hard to separate Peyton from Kelly.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Beginning School

A.J. Started 1st grade on Wednesday. Val took him to school because I think he was a little nervous. But as soon as he got there and saw his friends he was giving them high 5's and huggin them. When he got home he was tellin us about his first day. He said he had a good lunch. He had chicken fingers on something to that effect and was excited that he could have ketchup and barbeque sauce. He was funny.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Peyton has been sick lately which means Val and myself haven't been getting much sleep. Last night I think I got maybe 2 hours so I am kind of tired today. They Finally split our ward last week. It's kind of sad but it's not like we won't see those people every week anyways. We went to our Stake building dedication last night it was pretty cool. Someone had taken pictures of all the different stages of the building being built. Shawn has pretty much earned his money for football this year. He also picked up a couple of weekly jobs to do during the week to earn a little more money for himself so when his friends want to go to the movies he has the money to do those things.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Merit Medical 20 year anniversary

On Saturday Shawn and I went over to a buddy of mines brother to weed his back yard. Shawn is trying to earn money for football. He got $40 for doing that. Then we went over to the In-laws to mow the lawn. After that we went to go see the new Harry Potter Movie on Merit. It was really good. Than later on that night we went up to Thanksgiving Point for dinner and fireworks. That food was horrible. They had big turkey legs, and chicken legs. They aslo had corn on the cob, watermelon and vegetable cabobs. They had cotton candy and snow cones and some games for the kids to play. I didn't win anything when they did the drawing. I was hoping to win the Flat screen 46 in t.v. We ended up stopping off at Wendys because everyone still hungry. The fire works were probably the best thing @ Thanksgiving Point.

Friday, July 13, 2007


We really haven't had anything exciting going on. A.J. started his Sparta United comp team this week. Alot of what he does right now is training and learning certain skills that when he has games he will be able to perform like he's suppossed to. Val went to the doctor today and found out she had a Kidney infection so she won't be going to work today. Merit is having it's 20 year anniversary tomorrow and instead of goingto Lagoon, Fred rented out a couple movie theatres to watch the new Harry Potter movie. Then we are going down to Thanksgiving Point for dinner and fire works. It should be a fun day. Shawn has been doing a lot of work around our ward earning money for football this year. His grades dropped below a 3.0 so he new that he had to earn money for it becausethat was our deal with him. If he keeps his grades abouve a 3.0 he doesn't have to pay. Our ward is splitting for the 2nd time since we have lived there. So on Sunday we will find out what our new boundries will be.

Friday, July 6, 2007

4th of July

We went over to Dad and Shauna's for a little pre-dinner. We had hamburgers and hot dogs. Of course Grandma Tapp brought her famous baked bean's. I had two plates full. Michael's girl friend was there her name is Rose. Julia was there also. Then we went to Grandma & Grandpa Doyles for some taco's. It was Grandpa's birthday. They gave us a Norway Maple Tree to put in our back yard. I will probably plant it next week as soon as the blue stakes people come out.

Friday, June 29, 2007


Val is supposed to be working tonight and through the weekend. We are taking mom to the airport tomorrow she' leaving to go to California to visit Ben, Heather, and Kyle. I have a women's softball thing tomorrow for 4 hours and I also need to do some yard work

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Girls camp

Well on Monday we left to go up to girls camp. We left between 8:00 and 8:30. It took us for ever to get up to Flamming gorge. We ran into a lot of off road driving. Then we ran into at least 100 to 150 cows being herded on the main road. So when we finally got there we unloaded the food and headed down to the lake. The girls had fun trying to tip each other over on the tubs. Then we got to an area where they could cliff dive. Val wanted to go do that but didn't bring her bathing suit but she went ahead and jumped in the water anyways. By the time we got done doing that and headed back to camp it was time for dinner. The girls on Monday night stayed up till 3:15 a.m. trying to prank one of the leaders. Tuesday we went out on the Green River which was dang fun. We were expecting to have river guides or that's what we were told but we didn't. It took us 4 hours to get down to where we had to stop. I got to fish a little but most the time I was up front paddling because the girls didn't want to or they were tired. Val I guess didn't put enough sunblock on her shoulders or her legs and they got pretty pink. When we woke up on Wednesday Val told me she wasn't feeling well and that we weren't going on the hike that morning and that we were going home. So we packed up our stuff and headed home. We brought one of the girls home with us because she was leaving the go to California today All and all it was a pretty fun 3 days. Our allergies were killing us those 3 days though

Thursday, June 21, 2007


We have had a pretty busy week with both val and myself working and hardly seeing each other. I have tomorrow off and then I have Monday-Wednesday off for Val's girl's rough camp that we leave for on Monday. Val asked me to come as one of the priesthood leaders. So that gives me a 6 day weekend. Shawn went on this scout camp Monday and came home last night @ 11:00.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Weekend Recap

We did some work around the house on Saturday and then went to Val's brothers house for dinner. It was pretty hot that day. I'm pretty sure that it hit at least 100 if not higher on Saturday. Shawn was ordained a Teacher Yesterday. Some of his friends came and young men's leaders also. Shawn is heading out this morning for his 3 day scout camp in the teton mountains. We also celebrated Shawn's B-day yesterday.

Thursday, June 14, 2007


Well we havea pretty busy weekend this weekend. On Saturday I am going over to my inlaws house to mow and edge there property and then we are going to a park to have a picnic with her family. Shawn is going to become a teacher and will celebrate his birthday and then we will be going to Grandma and Grandpa Doyle's house for Father's day. Some how I need to make it over to dad and Shauna's house to give dad his father's day present.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Keil Family party

We went over to dad and Shauna's today for dinner. Annie, Chris and Donovan are here to get Lucas and Madison. Annie and Chris and Donovan were at a paintball thing so the family had the kids. We had steak and Chicken and of course we had Grandma Tapps baked beans

Monday, June 11, 2007


We went to Tony Valdez's farewell this weekend. He is a kid that I baptized on my mission. He did very well on his talk. He started his talk with a couple of jokes that were pretty good. We had a pretty good weekend. We went to a couple of places looking for a table for val to put in the hall way. We either found ones we liked but were to much or we found ones we liked but were to small. Shawn is officially out of school. A.J. is out of school till Friday. He is also going to be going to the zoo this week.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Well Yesterday was Valerie's niece Lacey's High school graduation. We couldn't go but we all went out to dinner @ Johnny Carino's and it was really good. It is Shawn's last day of school today. He is excited but I'm sure it will hit him in a week that he's going to be bored because he will be home with nothing to do. I am hoping that he will take the time and start working out so when football comes he's in shape. Work is the same old thing. Working hard and not getting any apprecitation for your hard work. We should find out by tomorrow when A.J. will start his competion soccer with Sparta.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

AJ's soccer

A.J. had three goals in his soccer game today

Friday, June 1, 2007

A.J's Soccer

AJ tried out for the U-9 soccer and would of made it if he were 7 years old. They have a restriction on only being able to go up 2 age groups. But he tried out yesterday for the U-8 & U-7 group and made that. But they weren't going to be making any cuts. There are about 54 kids that tried out. We will here more about the practices and stuff next week. Val has lost about 15 pounds or more since she found out about her diabetis. She has a lot more enegry and she also is waking a couple times a week which is good.